Nguyen Phuoc

  • Water Hyacinth Dream

    Water Hyacinth Dream

    Size: 97 x 125 cm

    Medium: Oil on Canvas

    Year: 2015

  • 1943  Born in Saigon, Vietnam
    1965  Graduated from the National University of Fine Arts, Saigon, Vietnam 
    Selected Solo Exhibitions
    2001  Whitney Center, Minnesota, US
    1965  Alliance Francaise, Vietnam
    1963  Metropolitan Information Hall, Vietnam 
    Selected Group Exhibitions
    2001  13th Biennial National Small Print Indianna, USA 
    2000  5th Mondial Triennial of Small Sized Print, France
    1998  Whitney Center, Minnesota, US
    1997  Notices Gallery, Singapore
    1992  Asia Heritage Program, Notices Gallery, Singapore
    1992  Materia, Singapore National Museum, Singapore
    1973  UNICEF, Paris, France
    1965  Biennial Paris, France
    1964  International Exhibition of Fine Arts, Singapore
    1962  First International Exhibition of Fine Arts, Vietnam
    Private and Public Collections
    Singapore Museum of Arts, Singapore
    Vietnam Heritage Foundation, Singapore
    Emerald Hill Gallery, Singapore
    La Maison du Vietnam, Paris, France
    Gallery of Saison d’Arts, Saigon, Vietnam
    The Saint Giuse Monastery, Saigon, Vietnam
    Gallery Atorpa and ETT, Den Haag, the Netherlands
    Viet Antiques, United States
    Christies, Hong Kong
    Sotheby’s, Singapore